陳志銘( Chih-Ming Chen)
職稱   教授兼系主任
電話 (04)22859458
E-mail   [email protected]
辦公室  511
個人網址   http://web.nchu.edu.tw/~cmchen/
最高學歷  國立清華大學化學工程學系 博士
研究領域 軟硬板金屬化技術、染敏太陽能電池、電鍍銅製程

國立清華大學化學工程學系 學士 (1997) 

國立清華大學化學工程學系 博士 (2002) 

國立中興大學化學工程學系 助理教授 (2004-2007) 

國立中興大學化學工程學系 副教授 (2007-2011)

國立中興大學化學工程學系 教授(2011-)





2015年Associate Editor of Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers

2014年Editorial Board Member of Metals







2007年美國礦物、金屬與材料學會Young Leader Professional Development Award

  1. 期刊論文
  1. Jun-Nan Liu, Manik Chandra Sil, Rui Cheng, Shien-Ping Feng, and Chih-Ming Chen*, 2020, “Surface silanization of polyimide for autocatalytic metallization”, JOM, Accepted for publication. (DOI: 10.1007/s11837-020-04286-2)
  2. Manik Chandra Sil, Li-Syuan Chen, Chin-Wei Lai, Cheng-Chung Chang*, and Chih-Ming Chen*, 2020 September, “Enhancement of Solar Efficiency of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell by Molecular Engineering of Organic Dye Incorporating N-alkyl Attached 1, 8-Naphthalamide Derivative”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Vol. 8, 11407-11416.
  3. Tzu-Jung Liu, Manik Chandra Sil, and Chih-Ming Chen*, 2020 June, “Well-organized Organosilane Composites for Adhesion Enhancement of Heterojunctions”, Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 193, 108135.
  4. Ping‑Heng Wu, Yu-Zhong Lai, Yan-Ping Zhang, Manik Chandra Sil, Po-Heng (Henry) Lee, Tzu-Chien Wei*, and Chih-Ming Chen*, 2020 April, “Organosiloxane Monolayers Terminated with Amine Groups as Adhesives for Si Metallization”, ACS Applied Nano Materials, Vol. 3, pp. 3741-3749.
  5. Yi-Hsuan Chen, Yi-Hsiang Lai, Ping‑Heng Wu, Li-Syuan Chen, Yung-Sen Lin, and Chih-Ming Chen*, 2020 March, “Mutual Intercropping-inspired Co-silanization to Graft Well-oriented Organosilane as Adhesion Promotion Nanolayer for Flexible Conductors”, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol. 83, pp. 90-99.
  6. Jenn-Ming Song*, Po-Jen Wang, Lap-Hong Chan, Chih-Ming Chen, Wen-Fu Ho, and Shih-Yun Chen, 2020 February, “Efficiency Enhancement of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Using Ti-Nb Alloy Photoanodes with Mesoporous Oxide Surface”, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Vol. 167, pp. 046501.
  7. Po-Fan Chan, Hsuan Lee, Shih-I Wen, Mao-Chun Hung, Chih-Ming Chen, and Wei-Ping Dow*, 2020 February, “Effect of Copper Grain Size on The Interfacial Microstructure of Sn/Cu Joint”, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, Vol. 2, pp. 464-472.
  8. Chia-Yuan Chen*, Ting-Yang Kuo, Chien-Wu Huang, Zih-Hong Jian, Po-Tsung Hsiao, Chin-Li Wang, Jian-Ci Lin, Chien-Yu Chen, Chao-Hsuan Chen, Yung-Liang Tung, Ming-Chi Tsai, Kuan-Min Huang, Chih-Ming Chen, Cheng-Wei Hsu, Yen-Chiao Chen, Zingway Pei, Yogesh S. Tingare, Hsien-Hsin Chou, Chen-Yu Yeh*, Ching-Yao Lin*, Yuh-Lang Lee*, Hao-Wu Lin*, Hsin-Fei Meng*, Chun-Guey Wu*, and Pi-Tai Chou*, 2020 February, “Thermal and angular dependence of next-generation photovoltaics under indoor lighting”, Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, Vol. 28, pp. 111-121.
  9. Yu-Wen Chen, Manik Chandra Sil, and Chih-Ming Chen*, 2020 February, “Increasing Solar Light Efficiency by Engineering Cell Structures with Modified Ti Foil and Specific Concentrations of Electrolyte in Liquid Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”, Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 334, pp. 135631.
  10. Chia-Yu Liu, Po-Cheng Kuo, Chih-Ming Chen, Jia-Ying Dai, Yee-Wen Yen*, and Alberto S. Pasana, 2020 January, “Effect of Multiple Reflowing Processes on Interfacial Reactions and Mechanical Properties between Sn-9.0 wt.%Zn, Sn-3.0 wt.%Ag-0.5 wt.%Cu Solders and Ag Substrate”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 49, pp. 257-267.
  11. Kai-Wen Chen, Li-Syuan Chen, and Chih-Ming Chen*, 2019 August, “Post-treatment of Nb2O5 Compact Layer in Dye-sensitized Solar Cells for Low-level Lighting Applications”, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Vol. 30, pp. 15105-15115.
  12. Shan-Ting Tsai, Ping-Chen Chiang, Chang Liu, Shien-Ping Feng, and Chih-Ming Chen*, 2019 September, “Suppression of Void Formation at Sn/Cu joint Due to Twin Formation in Cu Electrodeposit”, JOM, Vol. 71, pp. 3012-3022.
  13. Tzu-Jung Liu, Chien-Han Chen, Pei-Yu Wu, Ching-Hsuan Lin*, and Chih-Ming Chen*, 2019 June, “Efficient and Adhesiveless Metallization of Flexible Polyimide by Functional Grafting of Carboxylic Acid Groups”, Langmuir, Vol. 35, pp. 7212-7221.
  14. Zeyang Zheng, Ping-Chen Chiang, Yu-Ting Huang, Wei-Ting Wang, Po-Chien Li, Ya-Hui Tsai, Chih-Ming Chen*, and Shien-Ping Feng*, 2019 August, “Study of grain size effect of Cu metallization on interfacial microstructures of solder joints”, Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 99, pp. 44-51.
  15. Hsuan-Ling Hsu, Hsuan Lee, Chi-Wei Wang, Chenju Liang*, and Chih-Ming Chen*, 2019 March, “Impurity evaporation and void formation in Sn/Cu solder joints”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 225, pp. 153-158.
  16. Hsuan Lee, Shan-Ting Tsai, Ping-Heng Wu, Wei-Ping Dow, and Chih-Ming Chen*, 2019 January, “Influence of Additives on Electroplated Copper Films and Their Solder Joints”, Materials Characterization, Vol. 147, pp. 57-63.
  17. Yee-Wen Yen*, William Yu, Chu-Hsuan Wang, Chih-Ming Chen, Yu-Chun Li, Pei-Yu Chen, and Guan-Da Chen, 2019 January, “Study of Interfacial Reactions between Lead-free Solders and Cu-xZn Alloys”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 48(1), pp. 170-181.
  18. Hsuan Lee, Yi-An Wang, and Chih-Ming Chen*, 2018 October, “Development of nanotwins in electroplated copper and its effect on shear strength of tin/copper joint”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 765, pp. 335-342.
  19. Hsuan-Ling Hsu, Hsuan Lee, Ping-Heng Wu, Yee-Wen Yen, and Chih-Ming Chen*, 2018 August, “Impurity-induced Unusual Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Property in Sn/Cu Solder Joints”, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Vol. 29(15), pp. 12842-12849.
  20. Yen-Chiao Chen, Ya-Ching Chang, and Chih-Ming Chen*, 2018 July, “The Study of Blocking Effect of Nb2O5 in Dye-sensitized Solar Cells under Low Power Lighting”, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Vol. 165 (7), pp. F409-F416.
  21. Hsuan Lee and Chih-Ming Chen*, 2018 June, “Impurity Effects in Electroplated-Copper Solder Joints”, Metals, Vol. 8(6), 388.
  22. Ying-Chen Chiang, Zi-Lun Lai, Chih-Ming Chen*, Cheng-Chung Chang*, and Bin Liu*, 2018, “Construction of emission-tunable nanoparticles based on a TICT-AIEgen: Impact of aggregation-induced emission versus twisted intramolecular charge transfer”, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, Vol. 6, pp. 2869-2876.
  23. Chih-Hsiang Huang, Yu-Wen Chen, and Chih-Ming Chen*, 2018 March, “Chromatic Titanium Photoanode for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells under Rear Illumination”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 10 (3), pp 2658-2666.
  24. Kamani Reddy, Yen-Chiao Chen, Chih-Chung Wu, Chia-Wei, Hsu, Ya-Ching Chang, Chih-Ming Chen*, and Chen-Yu Yeh*, 2018 March, “Co-sensitization of Structurally Simple Porphyrin and Anthracene-based Dye for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 10 (3), pp 2391-2399.
  25. Gita Novian Hermana, Tzu-Ting Huang, Chih-Ming Chen, Chin-Hung Lin, Satoshi Iikubo, and Yee-Wen Yen*, 2018 February, “Phase Equilibria of the Cu-Ni-Zr Ternary Systems at 800 °C and Thermodynamic Assessment and Metallic Glass Region Prediction for the Cu-Ni-Zr Ternary System”, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol. 481: 1, pp. 612-621.
  26. Yu-Chen Tseng, Hsuan Lee, Nga Yu Hau, Shien-Ping Feng, and Chih-Ming Chen*, 2018 January, “Electrodeposition of Ni on Bi2Te3 and Interfacial reaction between Sn and Ni-coated Bi2Te3”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 47, pp. 27-34.
  27. Yeng-Fong Shih*, Man-Yun Chou, Wen-Chuan Chang, Hong-Yuan Lian, and Chih-Ming Chen, 2017 November, “Completely Biodegradable Composites Reinforced by the Cellulose Nanofibers of Pineapple Leaves Modified by Eco-friendly Methods”, Journal of Polymer Research, Vol. 24: 209, pp. 1-12.
  28. Jyun-Wei Chen, Chih-Ming Chen*, and Cheng-Chung Chang*, 2017 September, “A fluorescent pH probe for acidic organelle in living cells”, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, Vol. 15, pp. 7936-7943.
  29. Pei-Yu Wu, Ching-Hsuan Lin, and Chih-Ming Chen*, 2017 May, “Study of Surface Metallization of Polyimide Film and Interfacial Characterization”, Metals, Vol. 7, pp. 189.
  30. Hsuan Lee, Tai-Yi Yu, Hsi-Kuei Cheng, Kuo-Chio Liu, Po-Fan Chan, Wei-Ping Dow*, and Chih-Ming Chen*, 2017 July, “Impurity Incorporation in the Cu Electrodeposit and Its Effects on the Microstructural Evolution of the Sn/Cu Solder Joints”, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Vol. 164, pp. D457-D462.
  31. Yu-Jie Lin, Jyun-Wei Chen, Po-Tsung Hsiao, Yung-Liang Tung, Cheng-Chung Chang, and Chih-Ming Chen*, 2017 April, “Efficiency Improvement of Dye-sensitized Solar Cells by In-situ Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Vol. 5, pp. 9081-9089.
  32. Chia-Yuan Chen*, Zih-Hong Jian, Shih-Han Huang, Kun-Mu Lee, Ming-Hsuan Kao, Chang-Hong Shen, Jia-Min Shieh, Chin-Li Wang, Chiung-Wen Chang, Bo-Zhi Lin, Ching-Yao Lin, Ting-Kuang Chang, Yun Chi, Cheng-Yu Chi, Wei-Ting Wang, Yian Tai, Ming-De Lu, Yung-Liang Tung, Po-Ting Chou, Wen-Ti Wu, Tahsin J. Chow, Peter Chen, Xiang-Hao Luo, Yuh-Lang Lee, Chih-Chung Wu, Chih-Ming Chen, Chen-Yu Yeh, Miao-Syuan Fan, Jia-De Peng, Kuo-Chuan Ho, Yu-Nan Liu, Hsiao-Yi Lee, Chien-Yu Chen, Hao-Wu Lin, Chia-Te Yen, Yu-Ching Huang, Cheng-Si Tsao, Yu-Chien Ting, Tzu-Chien Wei, and Chun-Guey Wu, 2017 April, “Performance Characterization of Dye-Sensitized Photovoltaics Under Indoor Lighting”, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Vol. 8 (8), pp. 1824-1830.
  33. Yu-Chen Tseng, Hsuan Lee, Shan-Chen Tsai, Yee-Wen Yen, and Chih-Ming Chen*, 2017 June, “Suppression Effect of Ni Grain Size on the Ni3Sn4 Growth at the Sn/Ni Interface”, Materials Characterization, Vol. 128, pp. 232-237.
  34. Chih-Fan Lin, Nga Yu Hau, Yu-Ting Huang, Ya-Huei Chang, Shien-Ping Feng, Chih-Ming Chen*, 2017 June, “Synergetic effect of Bi2Te3 alloys and electrodeposition of Ni for interfacial reactions at solder/Ni/Bi2Te3 joints”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 708, pp. 220-230.
  35. Tai-Yi Yu, Hsuan Lee, Hsuan-Ling Hsu, Wei-Ping Dow, Hsi-Kuei Cheng, Kuo-Chio Liu, and Chih-Ming Chen*, October 2016, “Effects of Cu electroplating formulas on the interfacial microstructures of Sn/Cu joints”, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Vol. 163, pp. D734-741.
  36. Tzu-Ting Huang, Shih-Wei Lin, Chih-Ming Chen, Pei-Yu Chen, and Yee-Wen Yen*, December 2016, “Phase Equilibria of the Fe-Ni-Sn Ternary System at 270 oC”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 45, pp. 6208-6213.
  37. Tzu-Hao Wang, Hsuan Lee, Chih-Ming Chen*, Ming-Guan Chen, Chi-Chang Hu, Yu-Jie Chen, and Ray-Hua Horng, August 2016, “Microstructural and thermal characterizations of light-emitting diode employing a low-temperature die-bonding material”, Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 63, pp. 68-75.
  38. Ting-Chien Liu, Chih-Chung Wu, Chih-Hsiang Huang, and Chih-Ming Chen*, December 2016, “Effects of Ethyl Cellulose on Performance of Titania Photoanode for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 45, pp. 6192-6199.
  39. Kuei-Chang Lai, Pei-Yu Wu, Chih-Ming Chen*, Tzu-Chien Wei*, Chung-Han Wu, and Shien-Ping Feng, October 2016, “Interfacial characterizations of a nickel-phosphorus layer electrolessly deposited on a silane-compound-modified silicon wafer under thermal annealing”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 45, pp. 4813-4822.
  40. H.-K. Cheng*, Y.-J. Lin, C.-M. Chen, K.-C. Liu, Y.-L. Wang, and T.-F. Liu*, August 2016, “Microstructural evolution of Cu/solder/Cu pillar-type structures with different diffusion barriers”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol. 47, pp. 3971-3980.
  41. H.-M. Hsiao, Y.-W. Chang, C.-M. Chen, P.-Y. Chen, Y.-P. Wu, Y.-W. Yen*, July 2016, “Phase equilibria in the Au-Bi-Sn ternary system at temperatures of 80, 125, and 150 oC”, International Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 107, pp. 615-623.
  42. H.-T. Chan, C.-F. Lin, Y.-W. Yen, and C.-M. Chen*, May 2016, “Effects of current stressing on the p-Bi2Te3/Sn interfacial reactions”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 668, pp. 91-96.