蔡毓楨(Yu-Chen Tsai)
職稱   本校「榮譽特聘教授」  
電話 (04)22857257
E-mail   [email protected]
辦公室  808
最高學歷  英國牛津大學物理化學系,博士 (教育部公費留學) 
研究領域 電化學感測器、奈米碳管和石墨烯應用、甲醇燃料電池、染料敏化太陽能電池、表面增強拉曼散射化學感測器
國立中興大學創新育成中心主任 (2007~2009)
國立中興大學研究績優獎 (2009)
國立中興大學研究進步獎 (2009)
國立中興大學研究績優獎 (2007)
國立中興大學研究進步獎 (2007)
國立中興大學化學工程系,副教授 (2006~2009)
國立中興大學化學工程系,助理教授 (2003~2006)
經濟部中小企業處,技正、科長 (1992~2003) (高等考試化工類及格)
工業技術研究院,副研究員 (1991)
Teaching subject
  1. Y.W. Lin, H.H. Chang, Y.S. Liu, M.C. Tsai, Y.C. Tsai, T.M. Wu*, “Preparation and Electrochemical Performance of Externally Doped Sulfonated Polyaniline/Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Compoosite.,” J. Electrochem. Soc., vol.157, pp. k15-k20, 2010.
  2. Y.H. Hong, Y.C. Tsai*., “Electrodeposition of Platinum and Ruthenium Nanoparticles in Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube-Nafion Nanocomposite for Methanol Electrooxidation.,” J. Nanomater., vol.6, 2009.
  3. C.H. Yang*, H.L. Chen, C.P. Chen, S.H. Liao, H.A. Hsiao, Y.Y. Chuang, H.S. Hsu, T.L. Wang, Y.T. Shieh, L.Y. Lin, Y.C. Tsai., “Electrochemical polymerization effects of triphenylamine-based dye on TiO2 photoelectrodes in dye-sensitized solar cells. ,” J. Electroanal. Chem., vol.631, pp.43-51, 2009.
  4. J.L. Huang, Y.C. Tsai*., “Direct electrochemistry and biosensing of hydrogen peroxide of horseradish peroxidase immobilized at multiwalled carbon nanotube/alumina-coated silica nanocomposite modified glassy carbon electrode. ,” Sens. Actuators,B , vol.140, pp.262-272, 2009.
  5. M.C. Tsai, Y.C. Tsai*, “Adsorption of glucose oxidase at platinum-multiwalled carbon nanotube-alumina-coated silica nanocomposite for amperometric glucose biosensor. ,” Sens. Actuators,B, vol.141, pp.592-598, 2009.
  6. Y.C. Tsai*, P.C. Hsu, Y.W. Lin, T.M. Wu., “Silver nanoparticles in multiwalled carbon nanotube-Nafion for surface-enhanced Raman scattering chemical sensor,” Sens. Actuators, B, vol.138, pp.5-8, 2009.
  7. C.A. Lee, Y.C. Tsai*, “Preparation of multiwalled carbon nanotube-chitosan-alcohol dehydrogenase nanobiocomposite for amperometric detection of ethanol. ,” Sens. Actuators, B , vol.138, pp.518-523, 2009.
  8. Y.C. Tsai*, P.C. Hsu, Y.W. Lin, T.M. Wu., “Electrochemical deposition of silver nanoparticles in multiwalled carbon nanotube-alumina-coated silica for surface-enhanced Raman scattering-active substrates. ,” Electrochem. Commun., vol.11, pp.542-545, 2009.
  9. S.J. Wang, Y.C. Tsai*., “Low potential detection of nicotine at multiwalled carbon nanotube-alumina-coated silica nanocomposite.,” Electrochem. Commun., vol.11, pp.733-735, 2009.
  10. Y.C. Tsai*, C.L. Ho, S.W. Liao, “Nanobiosensors prepared by electrodeposition of glucose oxidase in PMMA nanochannels produced by atomic force microscopy nanolithography.,” Electrochem. Commun., vol.11, pp.1316–1319, 2009.
  11. W.J. Lin, C.S. Liao , J.H. Jhang, Y.C. Tsai*, “Graphene modified basal ane edge plane pyrolytic graphite electrodes for electrocatalytic oxidation of hydrogen peroxide and β-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.,” Electrochem. Commun., vol.11, pp.2153-2156, 2009.
  12. Y.C. Tsai*, M.C. Tsai, C.C. Chiu., “Self-assembly of carbon nanotubes and alumina-coated silica nanoparticles on a glassy carbon electrode for electroanalysis.,” Electrochem. Commun. , vol.10, 2008.
  13. Y.C. Tsai*, Y.H. Hong., “ Electrochemical deposition of platinum nanoparticles in multiwalled carbon nanotube-Nafion composite for methanol electrooxidation.,” J Solid State Electrochem , vol.12, pp.1293-1299, 2008.
  14. Y.C. Tsai*, S.Y. Chen, C.A. Lee., “Amperometric cholesterol biosensors based on carbon nanotube-chitosan-platinum-cholesterol oxidase nanobiocomposite. ,” Sens. Actuators, B , vol.135, pp.96-101, 2008.
  15. Y.C. Tsai*, H.Y. Chien, “Preparation of multiwalled carbon nanotubes-platinum-Nafion-glucose oxidase nanobiocomposite and its application to glucose biosensor. ,” J. Nanosci. Nanotech, vol.7, pp.1611, 2007.
  16. 20. Y.C. Tsai*, J.D. Huang, C.C. Chiu., “Amperometric ethanol biosensor based on poly(vinyl alcohol)-multiwalled carbon nanotube-alcohol dehydrogenase biocomposite.,” Biosens. Bioelectron., vol.22, no.3051, 2007.
  17. Y.C. Tsai*, S.Y. Chen, H.W. Liaw., “Immobilization of lactate dehydrogenase within multiwalled carbon nanotube-chitosan nanocomposite for application to lactate biosensors. ,” Sens. Actuators, B, vol.125, pp.474, 2007.
  18. Y.C. Tsai*, C.C. Chiu., “Amperometric biosensors based on multiwalled carbon nanotube-Nafion-tyrosinase nanobiocomposites for the determination of phenolic compounds. ,” Sens. Actuators, B, vol.125, pp.10, 2007.
  19. Y.C. Tsai*, J.D. Huang., “Multiwalled carbon nanotube-poly(vinyl alcohol)-glucose oxidase nanocomposites for amperometric sensing.,” J. Nanosci. Nanotech, vol.7, pp.3227, 2007.
  20. Y.C. Tsai*, C.C. Chiu, M.C. Tsai, J.Y. Wu, T.F. Tseng, T.M. Wu, S.F. Hsu. , “Dispersion of carbon nanotubes in low pH aqueous solutions by means of alumina-coated silica nanoparticles.,” Carbon, vol.45, pp.2823, 2007.
  21. H. W. Liaw, J. M. Chen, Y. C. Tsai, “Development of an Amperometric Ethanol Biosensor Based on a Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube-Nafion-Alcohol Dehydragenase Nanobiocomposite,” J. Nanosci. Nanotech., vol.6, pp.2396, 2006.
  22. Y.C. Tsai*, J.D. Huang., “Poly(vinyl alcohol)-assisted dispersion of multiwalled carbon nanotubes in aqueous solution for electroanalysis.,” Electrochem. Commun., vol.8, no.956, 2006.
  23. Y.C. Tsai*, S.C. Li, S.W. Liao, “Electrodeposition of polypyrrole-multiwalled carbon nanotube-glucose oxidase nanobiocomposite film for the detection of glucose.,” Biosens. Bioelectron., vol.22, pp.495, 2006.
  24. T.L. Lu, Y.C. Tsai*, “Electrocatalytic oxidation of acetylsalicylic acid at multiwalled carbon nanotube-alumina-coated silica nanocomposite modified glassy carbon electrodes.,” Sens. Actuators B: Chem . (in press).