竇維平(Wei-Ping Dow)
職稱   本校「終身特聘教授」

校內分機  (04)22840510 ext. 901

專線    (04)22859152

E-mail   [email protected]
辦公室  901R
個人網址   http://www.e-esc.com.tw
最高學歷  國立清華大學 化工博士
研究領域 微電子製程金屬化技術、電化學沈積技術、電子特用化學、分子自組裝在光電製程上的應用。
國立中興大學 終身特聘教授(2016~) 
國立中興大學 特聘教授(II) (2016~2018)
國立中興大學 特聘教授(III) (2014~2016)
國立中興大學 教授 (2010~2014) 
國立中興大學 副教授 (2006~2010)
國立雲林科技大學副教授 (2005~2006) 
國立雲林科技大學助理教授 (2001~2005)

2010 Gordon Research Conferences邀請演講者, New London, NH, USA.
Teaching subject











  1. Wei-Ping Dow*, De-Huei Liu, Chun-Wei Lu, Chien-Hung Chen, Jhih-Jyun Yan, and Su-Mei Huang, “Through-Hole Filling by Copper Electroplating Using a Single Organic Additive,” Electrochem. Solid-State Lett., vol.14, pp.D13-D15(IF = 1.967), 2011.
  2. Wei-Ping Dow*, Chun-Wei Lu, Jing-Yuan Lin, Fu-Chiang Hsu, “Highly Selective Cu Electrodeposition for Filling Through Silicon Holes,” Electrochem. Solid-State Lett., vol.14, pp.D63-D67(IF = 1.967), 2011.
  3. Yong-Da Chiu, Wei-Ping Dow*, Su-Mei Huang, Shueh-Lin Yau, and Yuh-Lang Lee, “Sensitivity Enhancement for Quantitative Electrochemical Determination of a Trace Amount of Accelerator in Copper Plating Solutions,” J. Electrochem. Soc., vol.158, pp.D290-D297(IF = 2.42), 2011.
  4. Yung-Fang Liu, Klaus Krug, Pin-Chun Lin, Yong-Da Chiu, Yuh-Lang Lee*, and Wei-Ping Dow*, “Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Cyclic Voltammetry Study of Self-assembled 3,3’-Thiobis(1-Propanesulfonic Acid, Sodium Salt) Monolayers on Au(111) Electrodes,” J. Phys. Chem. C, vol.115, pp.7638-7647(IF = 4.52), 2011.
  5. Sheng-Jye Cherng, Chih-Ming Chen*, Wei-Ping Dow, Ching-Hsuan Lin, and Sinn-Wen Chen, “Chemical Deposition of Ni/Pt Bi-Layer on Polyimide Film as Flexible Counterelectrodes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells,” Electrochem. Solid-State Lett., vol.14, pp.P13-P15(IF = 1.967), 2011.
  6. PoYu Yen, HsinLing Tu, Hengliang Wu, Sihzih Chen, Walter Vogel, ShuehLin Yau*, and Wei-Ping Dow*, “In Situ Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study of 3-Mercaptopropanesulfonate Adsorbed on Pt(111) and Electrodeposition of Copper in 0.1 M KClO4 + 1 mM HCl (pH 3),” J. Phys. Chem. C, vol.115, pp.8110-8116(IF = 4.52), 2011.
  7. HsinLing Tu, PoYu Yen, Sihzih Chen, ShuehLin Yau*, Wei-Ping Dow*, and Yuh-Lang Lee*, “In situ STM Imaging of bis-3-sodiumsulfopropyl-disulfide Molecules Adsorbed on Copper Film Electrodeposited on Pt(111) Single Crystal Electrode,” Langmuir, vol.27, pp.6801-6807(IF = 4.268), 2011.
  8. Chien-Hung Chen, Chun-Wei Lu, Su-Mei Huang, and Wei-Ping Dow*, “Effects of Supporting Electrolytes on Copper Electroplating for Filling Through-Hole,” Electrochim. Acta, vol.56, pp.5954-5960(IF = 3.642), 2011.
  9. Yong-Da Chiu, Wei-Ping Dow*, Yung-Fang Liu, Yuh-Lang Lee, Shueh-Lin Yau, Su-Mei Huang, “Copper Underpotential Deposition on Gold in the Presence of Polyethylene Glycol and Chloride,” Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., vol.6, pp.3416-3426(IF = 2.808), 2011.
  10. YiHui Lee, Sihzih Chen, HsinLing Tu, ShuehLin Yau*, LiangJen Fan, YawWen Yang, and Wei-Ping Dow*, “In Situ STM Revelation of the Adsorption and Polymerization of Aniline on Au(111) Elecrode in Perchloric Acid and Benzenesulfonic Acid,” Langmuir, vol.26, pp.5576-5582(IF = 4.268), 2010. (SCI)
  11. HsinLing Tu, BoYu Yan, Hengliang Wu, Sihzih Chen, Walter Vogel, ShuehLin Yau*, and Wei-Ping Dow*, “In Situ STM Revelation of the Adsorption of 3-mercaptopropanesulfonate and its Effect on Electrodeposition of Copper on Pt(111) Electrode,” J. Eletrochem. Soc., vol.157, pp.D206-D210(IF = 2.42), 2010. (SCI)
  12. Wei-Ping Dow*, Guo-Liang Liao, Shang-En Huang, and Sinn-Wen Chen, “Modification of Cu Nanoparticles with a Disulfade for Polyimide Metallization,” J. Mater. Chem, vol.20, pp.pp. 3600-3609(IF=5.099), 2010. (SCI)
  13. Yung-Fang Liu, Yuh-Lang Lee*, Yaw-Chia Yang, Zheng-Yan Jian, Wei-Ping Dow*, and Shueh-Lin Yau*, “Effect of Chloride Ions on the Adsorption of 3-Mercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid and Bis (3-sulfopropyl)-disulfide on an Au(111) Surface,” Langmuir , vol.26, pp.13263-13271(IF = 4.268), 2010.
  14. Wei-Ping Dow,* Yong-Da Chiu, Ming-Yao Yen, “Microvia Filling by Cu Electroplating Over a Au Seed Layer Modified by a Disulfide,” J. Electrochem. Soc., vol.156, pp.D155-167 (IF = 2.241), 2009. (SCI)
  15. Zheng-Yan Jian, Teng-Yuan Chang, Yaw-Chia Yang, Wei-Ping Dow, Shueh-Lin Yau, and Yuh-Lang Lee, “3-Mercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid and Bis(3-sulfopropyl) Disulfide Adsorbed on Au(111): In Situ Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Electrochemical Studies,” Langmuir, vol.25, pp.179-184 (IF = 3.898), 2009. (SCI)
  16. Wei-Ping Dow*, Chih-Chan Li, Yong-Chih Su, Shao-Ping Shen, Chen-Chia Huang, Cliff Lee, Bob Hsu, and Shar Hsu, “Microvia Filling by Copper Electroplating Using Diazine Black as a Leveler,” Electrochim. Acta, vol.54, pp.5894-5901(IF = 3.325), 2009. (SCI)
  17. Wei-Ping Dow*, Chih-Chan Li, Meng-Wen Lin, Ging-Wen Su, and Chen-Chia Huang, “Copper Fill of Microvia Using a Thiol-modified Cu Seed Layer and Various Levelers (This article has been selected for the June 22, 2009 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale of Science and Technology),” J. Electrochem. Soc., vol.156, pp.D314-320(IF = 2.241), 2009. (SCI)
  18. Shuehlin Yau*, YiHui Lee, ChinZen Chang, LiangJen Fan, YawWen Yang, and Wei-Ping Dow*, “The Structures of Aniline and Polyaniline Molecules Adsorbed on Au(111) Electrode:as Probed by in situ STM, ex situ XPS and NEXAFS,” J. Phys. Chem. C, vol.113, pp.13758-13764(IF = 4.224), 2009. (SCI)
  19. Shuehlin Yau*, YiHui Lee, ChinZen Chang, and Wei-Ping Dow*, “Revelation of the Spatial Structures and Polymerization of Anline on Au(100) Electrode by In Situ Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy,” Chem. Comm., vol.38, pp.5737-5739 (IF = 5.504), 2009. (SCI)
  20. Wei-Ping Dow,* Hsiang-Hao Chen, Ming-Yao Yen, Wei-Hsiang Chen, Kao-Hsuang Hsu, Po-Yao Chuang, Hiroshi Ishizuka, Nobuo Sakagawa, and Ryoichi Kimizuka, “Through-Hole Filling by Copper Electroplating,” J. Electrochem. Soc., vol.155, pp.D750-D757 (IF = 2.241), 2008. (SCI)
  21. Wei-Ping Dow,* Ming-Yao Yen, Cheng-Wei Liu, and Chen-Chia Huang, “Enhancement of Filling Performance of a Copper Plating Formula at Low Chloride Concentration,” Electrochim. Acta, vol.53, pp.3610-3619(IF = 3.325), 2008. (SCI)
  22. Wei-Ping Dow*, Ming-Yao Yen, Sian-Zong Liao, Yong-Da Chiu, and Hsiao-Chun Huang, “Filling Mechanism in Microvia Metallization by Copper Electroplating,” Electrochim. Acta, vol.53, pp.8228-8237 (IF = 3.325), 2008. (SCI)


  1. Chun-Wei Lu and Wei-Ping Dow*, “A Copper Electrodeposition Technique for Through-Hole Filling,” 217th ECS Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 04 2010.
  2. Wei-Ping Dow* (Invited Speaker), “Copper Deposition from Nano to Micron Scales for Through Silicon Via Metallization,” Gordon Research Conferences - Electrodeposition, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, USA, 08 2010.
  3. 1. Wei-Ping Dow* (Invited Speaker), Shao-Ping Shen, Chun-Wei Lu, Yiu-Hsiang Chang, Motonobu Kubo, Tohru Kamitamari, Eric Cheng, Jing-Yuan Lin, and Fu-Chiang Hsu, “Through Silicon Vias and Holes Metallization by Cu Nanoparticles Coating and Cu Electrodeposition,” Session F2: Electronics and 3D Packaging 4, 218th ECS Meeting,October 10-15, Las Vegas, Nevada,USA., 10 2010.
  4. 蘇敬文、竇維平*, “銅沈積在不同硫醇修飾的Au(111)上之電化學特性,” 台灣化學工程學會98年年會, 台中,中興大學,台灣, 2009.
  5. Shang-En Huang and Wei-Ping Dow*, “A Wet Process for Polyimide Metallization Using Ni Nanoparticles as Seed Layers,” 台灣化學工程學會98年年會, 台中,中興大學,台灣, 2009.
  6. Yong-Da Chiu and Wei-Ping Dow*, “Transference and Burial of a Disulfide Adlayer during Cu Electrodeposition and Stripping,” 台灣化學工程學會98年年會, 台中,中興大學,台灣, 2009.
  7. Shao-Ping Shen, Wei-Ping Dow*, “A Novel Cu Plating Formula for Filling Through Silicon Vias,” 台灣化學工程學會98年年會, 台中,中興大學,台灣, 2009.
  8. 陳建宏、竇維平*, “支撐性電解質對電鍍銅填充通孔的影響,” 台灣化學工程學會98年年會, 台中,中興大學,台灣, 2009.
  9. 盧俊瑋,竇維平, “新穎平整劑在電鍍銅填充通孔上的應用,” 台灣化學工程學會98年年會, 台中,中興大學,台灣, 11 2009.


  1. 竇維平, “台灣電路板協會(TPCA),教育訓練講義,” 3D IC之TSV與TSH的電鍍銅原理與技術, 04 2010.


  1. 黃上恩、竇維平, “軟性基板表面奈米金屬化方法,” 中華民國發明專利申請中, 2010.
  2. 竇維平、廖國良、陳信文, “軟性電子材料表面金屬化之方法,” 中華民國發明專利審查中,申請案號:98116900, 2010.
  3. 竇維平、廖國良, “奈米金屬粒子之合成方法,” 中華民國發明專利審查中,申請案號:98130254, 2010.
  4. 竇維平、黃河樹、蘇勇誌、顏銘瑤, “銅電鍍液之組成,” 中華民國發明專利,專利號碼:第I320062號。專利權期間:2010/02/01 ~ 2024/03/30, 2010.
  5. 竇維平、顏銘瑤、黃曉君, “電鍍銅加速劑濃度分析方法及其沈積電解液,” 中華人民共和國發明專利,專利號碼:第539062號, 2009.
  6. 竇維平、陳祥豪, “銅電鍍液之組成,” 中華民國發明專利,專利號碼:第I298751號。專利權期間:2008/07/11 ~ 2024/03/30, 2008.
  7. 竇維平、柳政偉, “監控銅電鍍液填孔能力的方法,” 華民國發明專利,專利號碼:第I292295號。專利權期間:2008/01/01 ~ 2026/01/05, 2008.